She Writes for Him - Black Voices of Wisdom
Hear the voices and hearts of your sisters.
In these turbulent times when the ugly stain of racism is at the forefront of our society, bringing rampant division and mistrust, we desperately need ways to come together.
To build bridges of understanding between all in the body of Christ, we bring you twenty-one voices of Black Christian women, authors, ministers, educators, leaders, and mothers. Their powerful life experiences and heartfelt wisdom will shake you, open your eyes, and help you understand your sisters in Christ.
From the ways women of color are treated in our society, to raising Black daughters and sons, to how a Black woman can have a white supremacist attitude, to respond as Christ would have us, their stories will be a link in bridging the gap between us with love.
May this powerful volume be a part of the bridge of love and understanding we need to walk across with our sisters.